Major Project 1 | Task 2: Design Proposition

26.02.2025 - 05.03.2025 / Week 3 - Week 5 Khu Ying Ying / 0357306 Major Project I / PRJ64904 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media Task 2: Design Proposition TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTRUCTIONS TASK 2: DESIGN PROPOSITION Week 3 (19/02/2025) Collectible Card Week 4 (23/02/2025) Redefining Matching Card Game Week 5 (05/03/2025) Design Proposition FEEDBACKS REFLECTIONS QUICK LINKS INSTRUCTIONS <iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe> TASK 2: DESIGN PROPOSITION Week 3 (19/02/2025) Requirements: Carry on from Task 1 Proposal Development and continue to develop the final proposal with a comprehensive design proposition. Follow the outline/framewo...