Major Project 1 | Task 1: Proposal Development

04.02.2025 - 19.02.2025 / Week 1 - Week 3
Khu Ying Ying / 0357306
Major Project I / PRJ64904 / Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Creative Media
Task 1: Proposal Development



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Week 1 (05/02/2025)

  1. Work as a group to present an innovative concept that adds social, cultural, or economic value to your field.
  2. Research current technology and design trends relevant to your specialisation.
  3. Support your proposal with case studies analysing functionality, effectiveness, technical innovations, challenges, and aesthetics.
  4. Address a gap by developing novel ideas and solutions that create and capture value.
  5. Follow the outline/framework that is provided in the Proposal Brief for the presentation:
    • 1) Slide Title Card:
      • Project Title
      • Your Name(s) and Student ID
      • BDCM (Graphic Design)
      • Supervisor(s)
      • Date of presentation
    • 2) Introduction: 
      • Overview & Context
      • Problem Statement
    • 3) Project Objectives:
      • Project Goals
      • Scope & Deliverables

  1. All information must be presented as slide presentations in PDF format.


Ideas Development

We were required to form a group of four, here are my group members:
  • Khu Ying Ying (Me)
  • Aisya Diva Anwagodsa
  • Lizzie Tanaka
  • Sheryne Axellia Putri 

After grouping, we started to explore topics that interested us while ensuring they were based on sustainability, drawing inspiration from previous seniors' projects. Here are the main issues we were particularly interested in:
  1. A zine about Malaysian and Indonesian cultures, possibly focusing on traditional games or folklore.
  2. A board game inspired by Snakes and Ladders.
  3. A card game inspired by flash cards.
  4. A makeup magazine influenced by Japanese style.
Figure T1.1: Listing Topics, Week 1 (05/02/2025)

After consulting with Ms. Anis, she suggested we pursue a Card Game based on the Traditional Folklore of Malaysia and Indonesia. She encouraged us to consider our strengths as a group and create a project that people would be eager to buy, with the main priority being to ensure that players have fun while easily understanding the folklore. Since our strengths were in illustration, branding, and publishing, we decided to work within those areas.
Figure T1.2: Feedback, Week 1 (05/02/2025)

To be honest, we struggled to come up with good ideas for the card game mechanics because it was really difficult to find something simple yet engaging that worked well with folklore (which was quite frustrating = =). While I found games like Werewolf and Cards Against Humanity engaging, they still didn’t quite fit the folklore theme. So, instead of focusing solely on the card game mechanics, we worked on folklore research based on the feedback we received while doing our best to come up with a solid idea for the game's mechanics.
Figure T1.3: W1 Feedback & Ideation, Week 1 (05/02/2025)

Figure T1.4: Malaysia & Indonesia Folklore Research, Week 1 (05/02/2025)

Week 2 (12/02/2025)

Matching Card Games

Although we had gathered research materials on Malaysian and Indonesian folklore, we still hesitated about our project topic, fearing we might not be able to execute it well. However, after exploring various card game ideas, we decided that a Matching Card Game (suggested by Lizzie) would be the most suitable for our theme.

During our consultation with Ms. Anis, she showed us previous seniors' artwork and advised us to simplify our approach. Since most of our group members were Indonesian, she suggested focusing solely on an Indonesian Folklore Matching Card Game instead of including Malaysian folklore. I saw this as a great opportunity to learn more about their culture.

To move forward, we organised our research on Indonesian folklore by selecting stories from different regions:

  • Java
  • Sumatra
  • Sulawesi
  • Kalimantan
  • Papua
  • Maluku
  • Nusa Tenggara
Figure T1.5: Indonesia Folklore Research, Week 2 (12/02/2025)

After the tutorial session, we met up at X-Space to discuss game concepts and rules that would work for our matching card game. We also brainstormed possible game names and additional deliverables to enhance the project.
Figure T1.6: Discussion - Game Mechanics, Week 2 (12/02/2025)

Sheryne also prepared an Art Guide to provide a better understanding and inspiration for traditional motifs, patterns, and clothing from different regions in Indonesia.
Figure T1.7: Art Guide, Week 2 (12/02/2025)

I did some rough sketches for the card illustrations featuring the main character from the folklore: Biwar Sang Penakluk Naga (The Dragon Slayer), and explored card corner designs inspired by Indonesian traditional art, such as Batik and wood carving. It was a bit challenging since I hadn’t drawn figures since last semester. 
Figure T1.8: Rough Sketches - Card Illustration, Week 2 (12/02/2025)

Week 3 (19/02/2025)

Proposal Presentation

Figure T1.9: Task 1 - Proposal Presentation (PDF), Week 3 (19/02/2025)


Week 1 (05/02/2025)

Specific Feedback: Ms Anis suggested that we pursue a Card Game based on the Traditional Folklore of Malaysia and Indonesia. Try to consider your strengths as a group and create a project that people would be eager to buy, with the main priority being to ensure that players have fun while easily understanding the folklore. 

General Feedback: Start by conducting research based on your group's topic.

Week 2 (12/02/2025)

Specific Feedback: Ms. Anis suggested focusing solely on an Indonesian Folklore Matching Card Game instead of including Malaysian folklore. Work on improving and enhancing the game mechanics and concept to make it more engaging, intuitive, and fun for players. 

General Feedback: For Task 1 - Proposal Presentation, we are only required to prepare the 1) Slide Title Card, 2) Introduction, and 3) Project Objectives sections. 

Week 3 (19/02/2025)

Specific Feedback: Ms. V suggested shifting our focus from a matching card game to a collectible card game, as players might get bored and memorise the cards after multiple plays. Instead of emphasising gameplay mechanics, we could prioritise the visual design and collectibility of the cards.

General Feedback: Begin working on Task 2 – Design Proposition by outlining the 4) Audience Research, 5) Existing Media Analysis, and 6) Ideation, Concept Development and Information Design.


This module has been an exciting experience in preparing a project that will be valuable for our job resumes. I truly appreciate being part of a supportive group that always helps each other and is understanding. However, coming up with a unique topic based on our specialisation was quite a challenge, especially since many seniors had already done board/card games, making it harder to stand out. Despite that, we managed to overcome the challenge. Additionally, it was a great opportunity to work with all Indonesian friends, allowing me to learn more about their culture as well.

For a matching card game, it can become boring after a few plays since players may start memorising the correct card pairs. That’s why it’s important to consider the game from the player’s perspective and find ways to keep it engaging. Additionally, we should focus on one specific target audience (or the main group) to make the game design process clearer and more effective. I also strongly agree with the lecturers' opinion that making the cards more visually appealing, like collectible cards, can enhance their value and make the game more enjoyable.

Since many seniors have already done board/card games, it was necessary to find a way to make our game stand out with unique features. This involved exploring new gameplay elements, adding interactive components, and considering ways to enhance replayability to keep players engaged for longer.


Task 2: Design Proposition
Task 3: Concept Presentation


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